Monday, May 16, 2011

The Forbidding Places in The World

1.    Catacombs, Paris, France

First place in the occupied by the catacombs in France, why could be no.1?

The Catacombs of Paris or Catacombes de Paris is famous underground tomb in Paris, France. Located near the station Denfert-Rochereau, Paris Metro. Opened and in the renovated section of the city underground network of tunnels and caverns in the late 18th century, he became a tourist attraction on a small scale, from the beginning of the 19th century and has been open to the public on a regular basis from 1867. The official name for the catacombs is Ossuaire l'municipal. 

Funeral cover from the former quarry near Paris Left Bank Denfert-Rochereau, in the same location outside the city gates before Paris expanded in 1860. History catacombs started when the end of 17th century Paris, where many people died because of diseases caused by pollution due to combustion is not perfect by factories in France (when the industrial revolution). Due to the inadequate number of funeral again the idea of using human bones that have died in the tunnel to the burial place was built up by Police Lieutenant General Alexandre Lenoir, catacombs was established in 1786 and then forwarded by M. Thiroux de Crosne, Charles Axel Guillaumot, Inspector General of the quarries, and Louis-Etienne Héricart de Thury.

2.    Haunted City of New Orleans, Louisiana

Haunted City of New Orleans is a place that is considered by locals, visitors and paranormal investigators around the world as the most truly haunted and No. 1 in the entire United States. With all the past and of spiritual activity taking place in the center of the plot are very spooky haunted, dark, and in between two worlds - that most of the witnesses saw this city to all come from the unseen world. With 200 years old story about the legends involving Voodoo curses, Spanish moss draped oaks surrounded duels, brutal murder, the story of the Revolutionary War Pirates and Civil War soldiers, and Jazz. New Orleans has a reputation as one of the most haunted city tour. Other stories about ghosts that haunt New Orleans, the ghost is from Laularie House. Delphine LaLaurie her third husband, Leonard LaLaurie, take residence at 1140 Royal Street house in the 1830s.

3.    Sedlec ossuary, Czech Republic

Tombs Sedlec (Czech: kostnice Sedlec) is a small Roman Catholic church, which lies below the Cemetery Church of All Saints (Czech: Hrbitovní kostel Všech Svatých) in Sedlec, a suburb of Kutna Hora in the Czech Republic. Graves containing around 40.000 to 70.000 human bones have been artistically arranged to form the decoration and furnishings of the church.

4.    Underground vaults, Edinburgh, Scotland

Far below the busy streets of modern Edinburgh lies a dark, forgotten corner of the city's history. Built in the mid-1980s, Edinburgh vaults had been abandoned for nearly two hundred years. Located under the South Bridge, Edinburgh is a big main road, a place used as cellars, workshops and even as a residence by the busy business people on the bridge. 

The investigation by the paranormal have been conducted in vaults practically since the discovery until now. According to them, that location has not disrupt the city's economic activity by strange things. Recently the site was visited by the crew from the UK and they gave a reputation as a place terseram in Edinburgh & member volunteer team that no one wants to go back there.

5.    Coliseum, Rome, Italy

Behind the beauty turns out coliseum roma save something dark. Tour guides and visitors alike have reported the existence of some cold place suddenly, that touched or pushed, hearing the words indistinguishable to whisper into their ears; security guards providing security around the coliseum reported hearing the sound of swords clashing , the cries, and strangely enough most confusing is the ghost voices of animals such as roars of lions and elephants. The ghost has been seen by people around between the seat coliseum, the Roman soldier look, the silhouette at night is a common sight here.

6.    Walachia, Transylvania, Land of Dracul, Romania

Dracula? Yeah this place is estimated inhabited by mr. dracula the famous. Dracula is the name of knight era secret organization based in Vlad's Bran Castle. Another name of a secret organization that is the 'Order of the Dragon', founded by the king of Hungary, Croatia, and Bohemia, who named Sigismund of Luxembourg, and the holy throne of Rome, to uphold the Christian and fortify the empire against the Ottoman Turks. Vlad the Dracula II, father of Vlad III, joined the organization in 1431 for his bravery against the Turks.  Then from 1431 onwards, Vlad II wore the symbol of the organization for himself, and as ruler of Wallachia, he also issued coins with the dragon as its symbol. From here the name Dracula appears, namely Vlad Dracul. Public many associate dragon / dragon as a creature of Satan. And people call Romania dragon as Drac. So Vlad Vlad Dracul means The Devil. And Vlad III, son, nicknamed Vlad in Draculea, because in the Romanian language, ulea means son of, sort of bin or binti in Indonesia. So Vlad III, also known by the name of Vlad Draculea, son of the devil, or child of dragon, aka the actual vampire, not his father Vlad Dracul (Vlad II). So the vampire is an honorary degree, which means 'son of the dragon'.  Since then, no longer be heard or recorded documentation of this Vlad, such as missing swallow the earth. Vlad was killed in 1476 by the Ottomans with the help of traitors (Vlad own slaves.)

The location of his grave at Snagov distinguished church located on a desert island, near the altar table, which when in the unloading of 1930, the tomb was empty! Many who believe in his empty tomb is the resurrection of Vlad Vlad itself, thanks to a deal with the devil himself, to be eternal life with blood as a strength. In other words, Vlad had crossed into another world, half-demon, half human. According to Romanian legend.

7.    Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp, Oswiecim, Poland

Death camp Auschwitz is in operation from May 1940 until independence by Soviet troops in January 1945. It is estimated that 2.1 to 2.5 million people died in the gas chambers at the time, 2 million of them are Jews and the rest is Polishes, Gypsies and Soviet POWs.

But this estimate is considered by historians to be very minimal, because the number of deaths at Auschwitz and Birkenau camp never really be known. Anyone who has visited Auschwitz-Birkenau terasuk by feelings of sadness visitors are known to cry for no apparent reason and many have to leave the tour group without ever completing the tour. Visitors are not only affected by the horrific memory place, but also the effect on this day: birds still refuse to sing in the trees surrounding the death camps and there is little evidence that developing the natural environment anywhere nearby. is silence ..

8.    Whitechapel / Spittalfields, London East End, London, England
The WhiteChapel / London East region has been actively settled since Roman times.  In 1888 the Whitechapel area of London is the pkace where the most btutal the murders ever recorded: the famous Jack the Ripper crimes. But the murder - and the identity of Jack - still not yet known, even today. Many assert that the killer was a doctor or somehow connected to the medical profession; others believe the killer was the grandson of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert Victor, though not much support this theory. Five women, all poor and prostitutes, were slaughtered by a mysterious Jack in the period just four months, collectively known as "The Autumn of Terror." Four women - Mary Nicholls, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes - found at various streets and alleys throughout Whitechapel with pieces of the body that creepy and sadistic. The fifth - Mary Kelly - was the only victim murdered in an interior location; not like the others he was killed in the most sadistic, death, death as something that comes from the slaughterhouse.

9.    731 Units experimentation Camp, Harbin, Manchuria, China

This place is touted as the Auschwitz of Asia, in terms of atrocities and horrors, he must ensure that this explanation. But still there is a fundamental difference with the crimes perpetrated by the Nazis against the Jews. Although Germany has shown deep remorse and regret, the leaders of countries that spawned 731 Units trouble today are still struggling to fight with what is happening. In the end, at least 3,000 prisoners, mainly Chinese, were killed directly, with 250,000 Chinese left to die through biological warfare experiments.

10.  Haunted Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

The battle of the civil war occurred in 1863 in the small town of Gettysburg Pennsylvania, this place is a place with the most casualties in the war and the society around to see, hear and feel something strange in the neighborhood.

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